The United Nations' armistice had tremendous influence to the world. The war ended with a truce because North and South Korea couldn't reach the corresponding conclusion, which is why South and North Korea's relationship is still complicated.
“North Korea and South Korea's "historical meeting" was a historic turning point, to be sure.”
- John Oh, a professor of politics at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
'Joint Declaration'Translation:
'With our people's desire of our country's peaceful unification, President of Democratic People's of Republic of Korea, Kim Jung Il and President of Republic of Korea, Kim Dae Joong had a historical meeting and meaningful conversation in Pyong Yang from June 13th to 15th 2000. North and South Korean leaders are going to understand each others more, and progress the relationship between North and South with this conference for the first time after the Korean War. It is assessed to have a speculative meaning from realization of a peace unification, and it declares: 1. North and South decided to solve the unification problem with cooperation, and independently. 2. North and South admit both of the North and South's government policies have similarities, and determined to progress the unification from this direction. 3. North and South in this year August 15th agreed to exchange the separated families and solve the problem that people from the opposite side of Korea still haven't changed their idea about communism or democracy. 4. North and South approved to develop the balanced economy of citizen's and the beliefs between each others through cooperation and support in society, culture, health care, and environment. 5. North and South is thinking of meeting next time in short time to actually act these agreement out. President Kim Dae Joong invited president Kim Jung Il to Seoul, and president Kim Jung Il promised to visit in an appropriate time.' |
“But it is surely a beginning toward solutions to some procedural humanitarian matters first and then gradually to
political, military and economic approaches.”
- John Oh, a professor of politics at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Family Reunion
Torpedoed Chun-An Fleet
Yeon-Pyong Island Bombard
“Until South Korea and North Korea unify into one country, we need to protect the Northern Limit Line with our
lives. Because we can have a peace and save citizens' lives and securities by doing that.”
- South Korea's 17th president, Lee Myung Park at Yeon-Pyong Island (December 18th 2010)