World War III
The United Nations' (UN) landing at the small peninsula determined the future of the world. Although it started at a tiny country, prodigious repercussion was brought about, the "butterfly effect".
Communism Dispersion Prevention
The UN's intervention created competition between Democratic and Communist countries. Due to the competitions of communism and definition, the Soviet economy gradually collapsed.
As the Soviet Union's economy debilitated, Mikhail Gorbachev decided to "Restructure" policy also called, "a fresh new breeze" because it was the Communist Soviet Union's first opened system.
Unsuccessful Coup
“If the members of the Politburo had chosen a communist hard-liner or if the August 1991 coup against Gorbachev
had succeeded, there is little doubt that, increased defense spending or no, communism would have continued for
at least another decade or so, until the same factors of economic inefficiency and demographics simply
overwhelmed it.”
- Spence Tucker who earned a PhD from the Virginia Military Institute and was a Fulbright scholar in France
“If Soviet leaders are determined to avoid economic reform and experimentation in order to overcome the looming
crisis of slow growth and declining productivity, then they will be increasingly under pressure to turn to Europe,
the United States and Japan for economic support, credit, trade and technology. This suggests a more conciliatory foreign
policy. And if this is unacceptable, then a new leadership will have to contemplate the consequences of a period of
economic stringencies that might even weaken the Soviet defense effort.”
- William G. Hyland, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment
Resignation Speech
Change in Communism
The UN's expedite armistice prevented the "Word War III" by pacifying before the Soviet Union participates.